If you've got the basics covered, maybe it's time to crank up the excitement. At Snowdonia Canoe Club we have members, paddling white water, riding the surf, and conquering the open sea. But with our base on the breathtaking North Wales coast, sea kayaking is our bread and butter.
Ready to elevate your sea kayaking game? Picture yourself tackling moderate waters with finesse, joining peer enthusiasts for group adventures, and honing your judgment to match your skills. Snowdonia Canoe Club is a hive of activity, offering a plethora of paddling opportunities for enjoyment and learning week in, week out, all year round.
Haven't got the Paddle UK Sea Kayak Award yet? You’ll find experienced members and qualified leaders are happy to help you get there. We often run free mentoring programs at this level.
While there's no pressure to get the official SKA badge, the Sea Kayak Award is a worthy goal to aim for as you sharpen your sea kayaking prowess. Once you've reached SKA level, whether officially or unofficially, you can proudly declare yourself a competent sea kayaker, ready to contribute meaningfully to the group while paddling in conditions that might have seemed more than a challenge before.